Monday, December 28, 2009

Insignificant Post

Here is a post of leftover thoughts that don’t fit into any of the posts I spend so much time writing. Why should you read this? I don’t know. Perhaps you shouldn’t. But if you find this particular post to be pointless, please come back soon because I am gearing up for my ultimate post, the one post that defines me and gives my existence meaning. It will be intelligent and witty, of course. It will have amusing observations, very charming logic, and double-meanings, and will also be original, creative, and maybe a bit sexy too.

It will be the buzz of the blogosphere and will be quoted by other bloggers. They'll raise questions, analyze, argue, debate; and have blog crushes on me!! Excerpts will be read at my funeral.

Coming back- at the moment, we are still stuck in this post. So here are some random thoughts, which were spread all over the semester, for today:

It’s futile, complaining. The only ray of hope I have is that- this too will pass; and then, hopefully, I'll laugh at the strange situation we shared. Does it make no difference to her, how I feel? If I don't say anything, does it mean that I'm content? I really don’t want to quarrel with her or keep on accepting the state of affairs but it’s high time I started taking some proper measures. This can’t continue for long. She's really getting onto my nerves. Her mere presence pisses me off nowadays.

Whatever you do, a part of you evolves. Directly or indirectly. Whether its reading newspapers, listening to the news, or even watching a movie. Everyone isn’t the best in something, but the more you practice, the more you evolve, and I'm pretty sure of this. None of us has learnt anything beforehand, before we were unceremoniously thrown out of our mother’s stomachs. Everyone is born equal.

Sometimes I look at the people around me- all happy and smiling- and I wonder- are they really happy or am I too shallow to look into their hearts and find out what lies within?

The bitch, she told me, amidst a crowd of fellow batch-mates, that I've tampered with my answer sheet. Guess what? Fuck you. Really, who does this kind of a thing? At first you don't check the answer sheets with proper attention, and then you say that "Overwriting is not accepted as recheck request according to the marking policy". Blah! You are the ones who made this stupid marking scheme. How can I help...??

Love is everywhere- every movie, every teenage dream, every home, every old-age memory, every song, every other hostel room! (:P) Sure, there is some pain, and sure as hell, love makes a fool of everyone, but it’s worth it. Thinking of someone first thought in the morning and feeling bright, thinking of someone last wink in the night, and feeling secure… it’s worth it.

And then there's Friendship. The best thing in this world. So pure that friendship even in a bad cause is above everything. And even if people say friends are for free- they are awfully difficult to find, and it hurts a lot, to leave them. Once a friend, always a friend. Friends stand by in prosperity and poverty, in health and in sickness. Friends (like diamonds) are forever!

Its 6 am. I am already up, in the middle of a cold dark November night, waiting for the dawn, the delicious Saturday breakfast, and the ugly six-days-a-week-schedule to start engulfing me, from next week onwards.

I'm tired-stupid instructors, stupid courses with stupid second yearites, stupid grading system-and there's still so much I want to do and the confusion in my head just makes it worse. This wasn't the plan. This was supposed to be "MY" sem - the sem of most pampering and loving, knowing what to do and doing it, knowing what I want-and getting it.

Tonight, I went out to watch the meteor showers. It was amazing, but very momentary. You see one, and then you speculate whether you actually saw it or imagined it. People can spend all the time & money they want fabricating fireworks shows, but seeing an unexpected meteor whiz across a static display of stars-it's thrilling! and free-of-cost!

NOTE to myself: Stop crying over lost opportunities, I’ve already lost them and crying won’t get them back. So shut uppppp, and make up for all your misses.
NOTE to the world: Make fun of me at own expense.

Well, it's almost time for bed. Remember, this post is of no consequence, but my next post... THAT ONE will really be something! So click back soon. Goodnight!

Friday, December 18, 2009

A-Z 2009

Adventure. Acads and Avg. APOGEE. Alarm-clocks. ANC. And they lived happily ever after...

Bourbon biscuits, Blogging, Birthdays. Blue jeans and black and white photographs. The BAND, Blah! and BITS ofcourse.

Chocolates, Coffee, Cake and Cheese. Crushes, C'not, and castles-in-the-air. Confessions. Comprees, CP and CG.

Dreams and Desires. Dates, Dances, Dares and Diaries. DND's. DC++.

Enthu, EG and EnI vs EEE.

Flirting, Friendship and French guys. Facebook. FD's I-III and Founders Day.

Gtalk, Gossip, and Grubs. Gmail too.

Hugs always. Holi and Holi-days. Headbanging.

I because it stands for me. And ice cream. Being impossible. Internet in IPC.

Junk food. And Jokes. especially PJ's. Jaan-e-mann. :)


Love and Letters. Love letters. Laughter, Literature, Lectures and Labs. Lite.

Movies, Magic, Music, Mess(bill), MT, Mails and Mafia, but I seldom win. :(

Notices, Notes, Nites, Night-out and Nightouts. Nostalgia.

Oppurtunities and conveniances. Ob. Online Tests.OASIS! Orkut and Omegle. Once upon a time and all the magic within...

Pink, Poetry and Perverts. Phones too. and Powercuts. :(

Quizzes and quizzers.

Rain, wide open Roads, Rooms and Roomies.

Sky sessions, Spring, Stargazing and Sunsets. Semesters, SMS's, Snaps and Sleep.....

Truths, TA's and Tut's. Travelling and Trips!

Unfinished blog posts.

Valentines Day!!! Virtual walks and dates.

Words, its only words. Walks. Why's. Whining and Wining.

Xeroxes, loads of them.

Youth, and at times, even you.

Zuks. Zzz.